Well I had a good weekend and this week has been going pretty smooth, but this morning Preston had to go back to Dallas and wait to go on the road again:(
he cried last night, cried this morning and so did I! Hate this. It sucks. Seeing my husband cry and tell me he doesn't want to go and me having to make him makes me so sad and feel bad. This time was even harder than the first, although the first time we thought he'd be gone a week, 2 weeks at the most and that turned into 4 1/2 so i guess we just know how long its really going to be this time and that makes it so much harder to say goodbye, when he'll be back again for a few days i dont know .... but i do know ill miss him and i love him! being apart is truly the worst feeling and i worry about his safety day and night. I just pray for protection and for him to come home safe!
Jennie I am so sorry that ya'll both have to do this, it does suck big time. But hopefully in the end it will pay off. Thankfully ya'll are doing it early, before you have kiddos, that is a beating! You can come play with us anytime you get lonely! The kids would love it :)