Friday, July 30, 2010

Bon Voyage!

its here!! we're heading out in the morning!

this has been a looooooooong 17 months waiting for this trip! lol. i probably will not sleep tonight from excitement:) like a child on Christmas eve! I of course ordered some cookies to take on our trip :) are they not the cutest!!??!! Lauren is AWESOME.

my bags are packed . . . have been for like 5 days :D have to pack preston up today and then last minute things in the morning!!

had my nails done today :) sparely pink and going to make a last minute walmart trip tonight, need to stock up on my favorite candy too! the countdown is at t-minus 16 hours! see you on the flip side people! have a great week ! :)


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

less than 6 days!!!!!!

great weekend!

all day Saturday I was with the two little girls Jenna * Julia :) I just love them! and Sunday I pretty much spent the entire day in bed sleeping ( have not slept well the last week, Preston already snores but on top of that he was sick last week and that made it worse, even in another room I could hear him, uhg) so Sunday I caught up on all the lost sleep and it was . . . . . wonderful. around 5:30 we headed to the in-laws and had dinner with them and we stayed there till almost 10, then we went to walmart because I needed lunch stuff for work this week since we're short staffed and I know I wont be able to get out much. we got home around 10:45 and instead of going to bed we stayed up till after midnight watching tv and boy did I regret that when my alarm went off at 6 Monday morning, oops!

Monday went pretty fast but you know around 2p the day always seems to stop. the last 3 hours seem to take forever. so im hoping Tuesday goes by faster. Wednesday im getting my hair cut. my regular hair girl is on maternity leave and I just had a spur of the moment decision to get it cut and so im having to go to someone else which makes me nervous because no one has ever touched my hair but Jenna, so im praying I dont get a bad hair cut before vacation! that would be awful! but I want it shaped and my bangs cut again just for something different. I have been growing it our for about 9 months and so its just straight and blah and I cant make it look good ( to me) so its time for something. we'll see ....

the rest of the week is pretty plans free, might have my nephew for couple hours a few nights.
Saturday I'll finish packing Preston's stuff and then we'll have to pack the last few things ( toiletries, hair stuff, makeup etc) on Monday morning. we head out at 7:30! ahh! the excitement is killing me!! 5 1/2 days! I bought a pack of 30 AA batteries (for my camera) and I have 2 memory cards so that should be enough right? maybe I should buy a 3rd memory card lol. or I'll see if I can borrow one. I just want to leave like now! I cannot wait for 9 whole days off work! haven't had that in years. I only had 5 days ( 3 working plus the weekend) off when I got married! This cruise schedule was nice because we have Saturday and Sunday off then we leave Monday morning and come back Saturday late afternoon and have Sunday to still rest before work.

Finally got results back from echo/sono I had last week and all my heart valves are fine! That's good news!! so I still have this murmur and dont know why but if its not hurting me then who cares.

well this day is going pretty slow so lets move it up! :) have a great Tuesday!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010


my breakfast:)

what an eventful morning ...

I had a Dr. appt. because I have an ob/gyn but not a primary and decided after I got sick with bad sinus and ear infection last fall I need a primary Dr. so I thought I'd be in and out no problem. well that didn't exactly happen. first off my Blood Pressure was high, they checked it 4 times because im so dang tiny the numbers just couldn't be correct, right? well it was ( it was 133/91) so now I have to monitor my BP every other day and keep a log and return to the Dr. in a month to go over that and see if I need to be put on medication or not. oh joy. but that's not all . . . then I had to go have blood drawn -NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!! im such a baby about needles. I teared up before she even touched me. and as if that wasn't bad enough, apparently I have a heart murmur . . .which I noticed about a year and a half ago and didn't realize its not really normal. sometimes its worse than others. so anyway she had me go do an EKG which is an electrocardiogram, its a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of your heart. painless and fast. and after all that drama I have to go back this afternoon and have an echo test which is basically a sonogram of my heart. woohoo! good grief I'm falling apart and im only 23 lol! Im sure everything will be fine and in a few days when all the tests are back i can breathe easily :) right? right! so for now im stuffing my face with cookies to make me feel better lol


P.s did the echo (sono of my heart) that was cool to watch. just have to wait and hear from the Dr now on all the tests from today.

Monday, July 19, 2010

lazy weekend

this was a good lazy weekend

Saturday I didn't do too much, went to my great aunts, took an afternoon nap, babysat that night - normal Saturday things. I usually spend the better part of Saturday morning or Sunday afternooncleaning house and doing laundry but this week I picked things up throughout the week and it took a whole 15 minutes the straighten up Sunday afternoon and did a few loads of laundry :) really have to try and do this all the time. The livingroom is usually always clean its the bedroom that catches everything but im going to try and keep it company ready all the time lol

Sunday was nice though - phone free day but I did check FB a few times:) we slept in late ( I babysat till 2am I was tired) then we got up and went into town for lunch since we still do not have a WORKING fridge! but good news! Preston said the repair guy will be out today FOR SURE to fix it! woohoo! You have no idea how awful it has been for the past few weeks with no fridge. Anyway after we grabbed a quick bite we went shopping for Preston and got him a few new outfits for our trip:) which btw is only 14 days away! woohoo! I even got him some khaki shorts and a green polo to match me one day:) how cute haha. This week im starting to get things organized for the trip, getting clothes we're bringing separated and pulling out luggage etc. Its been a long 16 months waiting to go on this trip lol the next two weeks will go by fast :) We really need a week away together with no worries, work, phones, computer . . . just us, oh and a couple of friends and the open sea!:) Hey, maybe its better to take a *honeymoon* after you have been married a year and a half cause that's when you really need the break lol. We'll have LOTS of pictures because Laura and I are a little photo happy ... it will take me a whole day to upload photos when we get back I bet. It may be years before we go again so we have to document it well :) too bad my husband is so photo shy because on this trip he will just have to get over it :D

This week im hoping goes smoothly because its going to be busy, the Dr. is on vacation starting Friday till the first of August so we are booked up till he leaves. and I cant wait to get cookies from morethanchocolate this week I have not had any in a couple weeks I think and I NEED them! I really cant believe that July is almost over I mean Christmas is in 158 days! yikes. But I get to put my tree up in 3 and a half months :) last year it went up in Oct. but ill wait till first on Nov. this year:) It was my first Christmas out on my (our) own and I just couldn't wait to put up the tree and start putting presents under there so this year I will have to refrain myself and wait! Hope everyone has a good week!


P.S it rained today so i didnt get to lay in the sun in the pool! boo.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

i found couch pillows!! and a really good deal! yay!

Vacation is getting so close im starting to get a little nervous about it! I'm very happy that we're not going alone, I have a feeling we will be up pretty much 24/7 on this trip because there is so much to do and midnight buffets? um yes please!! im going to gain 20 pounds on this trip eating all the time. and I cannot wait to go to the beach in Cozumel! I've heard its a lot like lake Tyler except its huge and has crystal blue water and no seaweed and it has white sand but you know other than that I bet its pretty much the same :) whatever. its only 2 and a half weeks away by the way and I have not even started to figure out what we're bringing and stuff. I know Preston needs to get a few new pairs of shorts and maybe a few t-shirts, im going to my favorite store ..... my sisters closet! lol.

this week has been flowing pretty smoothly except I have not been sleeping too well at night which is really annoying, if I could sleep in longer than 6 or 6:30 in the mornings it would be ok but im always awake at that time. I do not know how some people can sleep all day long! ( Laura!! lol ) that not natural! :) Been having phone trouble this week, I thought it was my phone anyway but apparently its not its ATT and at random times throughout the day ( for the past 2 days) I cant call or be called and cant txt or be txt'd . . . not ok. I'm a little sad about that because if it died ( my phone) I could get an iphone . . .well maybe I would but I'm so cheap I dont want to pay that 30 dollars a month for it . . .who wants a close to 200 phone bill? not me! but I do want one . . . but as long as my little cheap free phone works ill stick with it. Preston has one because he's cool . . . but hey my phone with txt facebook my status! lol . . . maybe for my birthday

tonight i went to the grandparents alone, cousin Kaitlyn is down and so we watched a movie with granddad and grandmother .... dear john ... not the happy love story we were thinking ... really only granddad liked it. not gonna watch that one again. humph. and got home around ten .... its now almost eleven and i have got to go to sleep!! good night:)


Monday, July 12, 2010

busy weekend

what a busy weekend ... again.

Saturday my aunt brought me to whitehouse ( because we needed her truck) and we picked up our
couch table, coffee & end table. so very excited to have them! we have needed one since we got
married but our little apartment just couldn't hold one and once we moved we really needed one and I had been wanting the couch table because the back of our couch is open to the room and its so long and just looked so bare.

and then left to go to my uncles because my aunts were throwing him a surprise house~warming/starting over party. My aunt decorated his house it looks amazing .. of course. and then after that I went to my great aunts for a few hours and did my normal Saturday stuff for her - grocery store etc and played skipbo and had lunch.

I got home late afternoon and started cleaning the house. now that we had the new furniture I wanted the house spotless and to rearrange things and put things on the walls . . . several hours of work. I only had a couple hours to get started on that before I went to baby sit so did not get too much of that done Saturday night.

Sunday I went to church, I had not been in a couple of weeks and it was good to get back into that routine. I went straight home after and finished cleaning and doing all the laundry for the week and got the furniture right where I wanted it and decorated a little ... a clean house makes me so very happy:)

that afternoon was my aunt & uncle's 50th wedding anniversary and we watched a video from their wedding it was so neat. they were married in the same church I was and it really hadn't changed that much in 50 years lol.

the rest of the afternoon I lounged at home with Preston, we started a movie but it was dumb and I fell asleep before it was over, wish I wouldn't have because then I woke up later and couldn't get back to sleep so Monday morning im dragging a bit.

Tonight we're having dinner for my Father in Laws birthday that was last Friday and I bought something to hang above our tv in the livingroom so I cant wait to get home and hang that!! still on the search for couch pillows though .... :( hope this week goes by fast and smooth! 3 weeks till vacation!!


Sunday, July 11, 2010


rearranged a few things, got a few new pieces and hung things on the walls . . . im pretty content ... except i still need darn couch pillows thats i forget about! lol

wedding nook in my bedroom:)

couch table:) love all the photo's i finally put around the house
side table by the front door, really fixed that dead space there
view of new tv stand and coffee table. still need something cool to go on the wall behind the tv though ... hmmm
couch and table, i forget how blah couch is till i see a picture. . . yep, next weekend i gotta find pillows!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I thought this week was going to go a lot slower than it has! tomorrow is Friday! which I cannot wait for because we're having girls night at Shelia's again its already been a month since the last time! lots and lots of food and games and stories of the old working together days:) had way too much fun last time. I love my girlfriends! and we get to talk about our trip a little too:) its so close! ( tomorrow it will be 23 days away! ) Shelia has been on several and Lyndee on 1 but its a first for Laura and I. I'm so ready to go ill have a lot to do the few days before we leave! and need to find matching-ish outfits for beach pictures:)

randomness: I finally found my lost book yesterday! very happy!! it was book #3 of 6 in the O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson, I love this series and have read it a million times. I found the book in the pocket behind the seat in my car ... * oh yeah that's where I put it 2 months ago!! * so now I can finish the last 4 books. I usually read through the, twice a year sometimes more. they are so good that every time you start them again they are like new!

last night we finally got a real tv table for the living room . . . now it doesn't look ghetto anymore! we had my sisters huge 5ft. tall wooden one that's made to fit like a 20inch inside of it and we had the 50inch on top of that so you had to look all the way up to the ceiling almost to see it lol. but at the time we didn't have anything for it to sit on so I appreciate Bo letting us use it for the last 4 months:) but i want the living room to look better so we bought one and Preston and his friend put it together last night:) it looks good. ill post before and after pictures Saturday after I get some other pieces in there and have it fixed up! im excited:) im filling up our little bitty home but one day (may be in 50 years ha! ) when we have a house we'll be able to fill it up! I didn't even put pictures on our walls in the apt till we had lived there almost 6 months, im reluctant to really make it a home because im thinking * this is just temporary* but I cant live feeling like I dont belong in our home wherever it may be, we may live here a year . . .we may be here 5 years. who knows! but that's why they make putty so you can hide the holes! :) so this weekend im going to put more things on the walls and redecorate a few things, add a few pieces of furniture to the living room and it will be so cozy:)

I have a feeling some things are going to change soon . . . I just hopes its something good..

hope everyone is having a good week and I hope baby Weldy comes out soon! because i feel so bad for your very pregnant mama!! :D

Monday, July 5, 2010

I love my Nephew

Today i soaked up the sun ... maybe a little too much because now i have an awful sun headache but it was fun:) and i got a teeny tiny tan. my baby nephew came out today and i got him some floaties so he could go in the water with us ... he is so spoiled as you can see by the pictures .... yes i did swim with him and hold that umbrella over him the whole time. we just chilled in the water ....

we call my nephew Jack Jack .... from the incredibles ... can you see why?

happy baby ALL the time:) so cute

im so in love with him.

Aunt Jennie's spoiled rotten baby boy:) haha


rain, lots of it. and the lake :)

3 and a half days off has been wonderful ... cant we have 4 work days every week?? a little mad that i have not had my camera with me so i have no pictures from this weekend! maybe today i will get some snap shots. today is the last day off . . . i have to say i love not working on a monday:) im going to sit at the lake all day and try to get a tan, saturday there was no sun out so no tan :( and yesterday i was just hanging with the family and sat in the shade most of the day but we have 4 WEEKS till our cruise!!! so i have to get busy! cant believe its this close . . . i started out being 6 months away! time goes by so fast ... i mean Christmas is in 5 months! ahh!

we had so many people out at the lake this weekend, think the yesterday was the most. with family and friends easily 60 to 80 people out there with us. crazy. fireworks last night was fun and dangerous ... lol a couple of homemade dry ice explosions. good times:) we also had dinner at the inlaws ( because it was fish fry night at the lake .... not happenin) and had a good time there, both sides of my family are crazy and i love it!

ok its 9:15 and i cant stay home any longer, the sun is out and calling my name!