Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Last night I had 11 wonderful, hope to repeat, hours of sleep ... all this stress and worry over things has really made me very tired all the time, hmm actually I'm always ready for bed by 6 :) lol, ah the days when I lived at home I would go to work and come home and literally be in bed by 5:30 most of the time I would watch tv for a couple hours but sometimes I just went to sleep, even in that house with a million people running around, when I first moved out I couldn't sleep because it was so quiet! I got home from work a little late last night, around 6 and then I took a shower and passed out by 7 and I hit the snooze 3 times this morning so I really think I could have gone a few more hours but work was calling! so ready for this Monday because its a holiday and I dont have to get up at 6! so of course ill be wide awake this time because I have no where to go. I hope that one day IF I ever have a baby I can train it to go to sleep as early as mommy .... haha! yeah right. I can usually get baby Jenna down between 6:45 & 7:30 so that's not too bad I could so live with that.

Its only Tuesday but the week has been good, tonight we are going to eat with Preston's Grandparents and hopefully not out too late. Preston may not like to hang out with them very much but I, who grew up without any grandparents for the better part of my life, loves to do that. by the time I was 8 I basically had none and its sad when big events in my life happen and I just wish they were here, my wedding was hard without my papaw & JC but I like to believe that the loved ones who have past can still watch us from above :)

hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, August 27, 2010

End of the week...

Well . . . its Friday and this week has been very emotionally draining and I'm ready for it to be done.

"life is a series of problems: either you're in one now, just coming out of one or about to go into one. The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort and he is more interested in making your life Holy than Happy. but there is ALWAYS something you can thank God for!"

I got an email this week and this was a quote in it and it really was just what I needed to see, my life had so many *problems* the last several weeks and im just stuck and dont know what to do. I've been praying about it and if there has been an answer I guess im not listening well enough to hear it ... and im just frustrated and tired of dealing with this problem, its about time to get ugly and get something done. . . does everything really happen for a reason? because im so not getting the reason for this unnecessary crap! just stress me out will ya?!?! .... ok calm down. just breathe.

lets get off that for a minute, the rest of my week was pretty ok as far as work goes, a little crazy a few days but nothing major. then a little scare with Preston's car, the battery was dying so he went to get a new one, no big deal nothing financially major thank you Jesus, but then he txt me and says they have put in 3 batteries and the car is not starting, ok then its time to panic well long story short, the guy who was putting in the first battery put it in BACKWARDS ( who does that???) and ripped a fuse so Preston had to go to the Honda place and buy the fuse and once that was fixed and the new battery the car is working! shoo! im a little worried about our vehicles . . .please dont die on us! mine has almost 100,000 miles but seems to be working just fine and poor Preston's is falling apart cosmetically, maybe some time next year we'll trade in his ( if anyone will take it lol) and get a new (used) car but man i just really want paid off cars! :) but a running reliable one is more important!

No big plans for the weekend, going to clean house tonight . . . deep clean - again - uhg. and do laundry and tomorrow ill probably go visit my great aunt and then watching my favorite little kids Saturday night. Sunday is church and relaxation. hope everyone has a great weekend!


Monday, August 23, 2010


last week is a blur and I dont know where it went! last Wednesday we had our housed bombed .... and then my sister Emily and I spent 4 hours cleaning every single thing in that house top to bottom and washing ever dish and glass and pot and pan and linens and blah blah. well I thought for a whole 2 days that those darn little bugs were gone ..... but no :( so they aren't taking over like before but are pretty bad still so the guy is coming out AGAIN sometime today to spray again .... I'm so moving if they are not GONE ASAP!!!

I had a good Saturday night, I went to my very first best friends wedding shower:) she is getting married next month and then moving 14 hours away! Thank goodness for facebook to keep in touch with people! and I got to meet another friends new baby boy, so cute.

I also searched my sisters house and car for my Gwenny, just in case she was there! but no luck so im still on the look for her .... Gwenny is my yard turtle that my aunt *Gwendolyn* gave me and she was turtle-napped last week and they left a ransom note and everything!

this is the note i got first!

with this picture of gwenny tied up!

so i made wanted poster to try and find her ....

turtle-nappers did not like that and sent me this nasty email....

and attached this picture of poor gwenny!

my poor baby ...... still on the look for her ...


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

time flys

I have been back in TX for a week and a half now where did that time go? feels like vacation was ages ago lol. we have been having some insect ::uhg:: issues at our house and have been staying with my sister since last Monday and will probably be with her till this Wednesday or Thursday:( I am so ready to have my house cleaned and back to normal and sleep in my very own queen size bed! ( I have been on a twin blow up mattress ... its ok but not the same lol) and i just miss the comforts of home and im having to pack a few things every few days and go back and forth ... but hopefully it will be over soon!

It was good to get home and get back to work and a normal routine every day, but I cant believe August is halfway over ... I mean its like 4 months till Christmas! and my hidden birthday 2 days after that - I'm going to be the big *24* this year ... .yikes! and my Husband will be 25 in February .... he's old, cant wait for that birthday because car insurance will go down LOL!!

this past week at work was good, not as tiring as I thought coming back from vacay, then I spent Friday night - Sunday night babysitting my two little girls and had a good time with them but ill be the first one to say that you stay at home moms are amazing and I dont know if I could physically do it 24/7!! :D

this week is flying by! oh and guess what I finally got? an IPHONE!!! woohoo! I finally joined that group . . . im getting used to the txting that was hard at first, the whole touch screen thing but over all im loving it:) so that made my week . . . believe me - i deserved this treat! Hope everyone is having a good week!


Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm Back!

Vacation was great but I was more than ready to get home! I know that's crazy but im such a creature of habit and by Thursday night I was ready to see my our families, my own bed, drink MT. DEW, my wedding rings ( which i left home for safe keepings:) )and get back to work and just feel normal lol. we had a great time with all of our friends, i think if we had gone alone we would have been bored out of our minds its definitely better to go in groups, so much fun!

We got on the boat around 2 on Monday afternoon and got settled in our rooms and walked around the ship that's pretty much all we did that first night was explore the ship a little and eat eat eat, Tuesday was an all day sea day so we laid out, people watched ( which is so so so much fun on a cruise lol) and just relaxed that day, i brought a book to read so i sat on the top deck reading a lot it was so nice, no worries, no phones or facebook lol, just peace and quiet. Wednesday we went to Progresso it was kinda ghetto lol, we only stayed there about an hour or two and went back to the ship because people there just do not leave you alone! Thursday we went to Cozumel . . . i could have stayed there forever. we rented 2 jeeps and had 4 people in each and set off! we went to this amazing private beach for hours and we went to see a few ruins around town and we went to the other side of the island where the tide comes in to this beautiful rocky beach, 8 to 3:30 was not long enough there, it went by so fast. Friday was our last day and it was a sea day and by then i was ready to come home. The dinners on the ship were always amazing and it was fun to dress up every night, we took a million pictures ( well ok only about 600 all together with all of our cameras lol) and i had to pick about 350 to put on facebook lol.

Monday morning I woke up refreshed and ready to get back to work and my every day stuff. I'm glad we took lots of photos so we'll always remember that wild crazy trip! :) i have looked at our pictures over and over. thanks for the memories guys!