last week is a blur and I dont know where it went! last Wednesday we had our housed bombed .... and then my sister Emily and I spent 4 hours cleaning every single thing in that house top to bottom and washing ever dish and glass and pot and pan and linens and blah blah. well I thought for a whole 2 days that those darn little bugs were gone ..... but no :( so they aren't taking over like before but are pretty bad still so the guy is coming out AGAIN sometime today to spray again .... I'm so moving if they are not GONE ASAP!!!
I had a good Saturday night, I went to my very first best friends wedding shower:) she is getting married next month and then moving 14 hours away! Thank goodness for facebook to keep in touch with people! and I got to meet another friends new baby boy, so cute.
I also searched my sisters house and car for my Gwenny, just in case she was there! but no luck so im still on the look for her .... Gwenny is my yard turtle that my aunt *Gwendolyn* gave me and she was turtle-napped last week and they left a ransom note and everything!
this is the note i got first!
my poor baby ...... still on the look for her ...
Oh, poor Gwenny! When you find out who has her you must retaliate!