Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Last night I had 11 wonderful, hope to repeat, hours of sleep ... all this stress and worry over things has really made me very tired all the time, hmm actually I'm always ready for bed by 6 :) lol, ah the days when I lived at home I would go to work and come home and literally be in bed by 5:30 most of the time I would watch tv for a couple hours but sometimes I just went to sleep, even in that house with a million people running around, when I first moved out I couldn't sleep because it was so quiet! I got home from work a little late last night, around 6 and then I took a shower and passed out by 7 and I hit the snooze 3 times this morning so I really think I could have gone a few more hours but work was calling! so ready for this Monday because its a holiday and I dont have to get up at 6! so of course ill be wide awake this time because I have no where to go. I hope that one day IF I ever have a baby I can train it to go to sleep as early as mommy .... haha! yeah right. I can usually get baby Jenna down between 6:45 & 7:30 so that's not too bad I could so live with that.

Its only Tuesday but the week has been good, tonight we are going to eat with Preston's Grandparents and hopefully not out too late. Preston may not like to hang out with them very much but I, who grew up without any grandparents for the better part of my life, loves to do that. by the time I was 8 I basically had none and its sad when big events in my life happen and I just wish they were here, my wedding was hard without my papaw & JC but I like to believe that the loved ones who have past can still watch us from above :)

hope everyone has a great week!

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