Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lazy Sunday ....

I started off my Sunday morning with a migraine at 2am .... so nice. I stayed in bed the whole morning with the covers over my head to keep out the evil sunlight, i didn't get rid of it till around 11. I got up to get something to eat and then i decided to just stay in bed all day, i ate, napped, and watched Xfiles ( i'm almost to season 3!) i finally drug myself out of bed around 7:30 to come do laundry and eat dinner and watch army wives .... omg its so sad tonight i have cried this whole episode!! uhg. Someone on the show died, one of the Army Wives son. It's so sad i cant even concentrate on writing this blog. I mean really when you cry off and on for an hour and then the last minute of the show just really killed me when momma is saying goodbye to her baby and they have to play a sad song and show everyone walking away from his casket in the cemetery and its just awful! really depressed now lol. This season is going to be intense! this is already the middle of the season so i cant wait to see what else happens! My problem is with shows is that i get so attached and i forget that its not real 

last week was pretty uneventful, i did get to see preston though! his truck was being worked on in Dallas so he got to come home one night. He wont be home for his normal time (4-5 days) for another 2 1/2 weeks and i have really been missing him this weekend.... saturday it was a beautiful sunny day and i spent it alone and just wanted my husband to share it with! and then today, like i said, i stayed in bed all day and wished he was here to take care of me. I'm hoping we are going to have something good happen in the job dept. that will keep him home but i dont want to talk about that until something really happens. just say a prayer it all works out. Well its late and i need to get to bed so i'm ready to take on monday! i wish i had another day, or two, to lay in bed. next time i'll have my snuggle buddy with me! :) hope everyone has a great week!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

white cheddar popcorn ....

Gee where has the time gone. I turn around and its been weeks since i have been on here, its good that time goes by quickly so it doesn't really feel like Preston has really been gone for over a month at a time. he is scheduled to be back in town again April 13-17 and we are supposed to get our pictures made that weekend :) we haven't had any done since our wedding and its time for some new ones! He has lost 20+ pounds so far this year so i told him its a good time for pictures because you're getting all slim and trim!  :D so of course i have bought two new outfits for us for the pictures, any excuse to buy clothes is a good one! wearing scrubs all the time i dont really have a lot of dressy things now and i need to update my wardrobe anyway so i have two cute outfits and new shoes to match each! ah .... that makes me happy. This summer we are going to try and make it to at least ONE Rangers game, hopefully we can work his home schedule in May around a game. we love going to the games! and I'm ready to break out my #32 Hamilton T-Shirt! and since we wont have a real vacation time this year im hoping we can do a weekend in Galvestonsometime this summer when he is home for his 5 days. that's better than nothing! and I'm hoping to drag cousin kaitlyn along with us :) I know we will have a blast. kaitlyn .. i love you :)
this past weekend we had Shelia's baby shower and baby Sierra got some super cute clothes! Shelia, save them for me! lol. cannot wait for June so i can hold that sweet new baby girl! maybe i can even get in a rocking or two . . . there is nothing like the smell of a new baby :) I'm just so excited! 2 1/2 month to go!
Emily and I have been going jogging/walking just about every day and I pretty much stopped drinking cokes last month too, i have had about 4 total in the past 5 weeks. which is great because i was doing 1-3 a day! and . . . once my candy stash at work ran dry i didn't refill it ... that was hard. i have replaced it with those new Quakers Rice chips things . . .blueberry is yummy it taste likeblueberry muffins. and a few other healthier snacks. and so I'm really trying to be healthier and get back in shape. I have also really cut back on my salt intake ...i love me some salt! so far so good! one thing i can't let go of is that popcorn in the black bag from the gas station that is white cheddar flavor ... oh its only about 350 calories a bag! and when you eat it in one sitting its not ok lol so i have tired to do just half at a time and its usually right after work before i go work out so i feel like im working it off a little :) So anyway I'm finally getting around to my new years resolution and working out, yes i know im only 102 pounds soaking wet but little short people have flabby stuff too and I'm tired of my muffin top and my stomach so I'm getting rid of it! I'm not going to lie ... one of my biggest fears is getting fat, and being just under 5'2 and eating whatever i want, whenever i want is going to catch up in a bad way one day so I think its time to try and change some of that now. . . boy just think when i get pregnant THAT will not be pretty.
well there is my life this week in a nutshell . . . work has been ok and i guess i can't complain right now :) its only Tuesday but this week has been good so lets hope the rest of it is also!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Geez what a crazy, busy, insane week and I am finally getting a moment to breathe. the Dr. & the PA are out Thursday and Friday so we have a few days to chill out and catch up on paperwork and such. but half of our employee's are also off today so its a little too quiet and its making this day really, really drag on! its noon (as im currently writing this but i will not post till tonight, so anyway) and it feels like its only about 8:30 in the morning ... speaking of time - it changes this weekend! yay for more sunshine and cry cry for losing my hour of sleep! I am so beyond ready for spring time when everything is green and blooming and you can be outside and its just wonderful!
so lets recap this week shall we? lets go all the way back to Saturday ( my anniversary!) i worked OT that day and got off around 2, Preston made it home about 10-11 that morning and therefore he had time to shower and SHAVE that creepy beard he had been growing the past 7 weeks he was gone, so anyway i get home from work and shower and take a nap ( im exhausted, babysat the night before till 1 am then got up at 5:45 to get ready to go into work at 6:45 and i just needed some sleep!) Preston was at his parents store visiting them so when he got home i got dressed and we went out to eat for our anniversary, time goes so fast the older we get - really, was it 2 yrs. ago that we got married? insane. So we had a lovely dinner at Julian's and then we drove around town a little while checking out all the new things going on that he has missed out on and ended up getting blizzards for dessert :) yum. we had a great night.
Sunday we went to church and then we had a long lunch after with a couple of my aunts and a cousin and their spouses. good times and laughs. my family is great and i just love them! we didn't really do much the rest of the day, just relaxed and enjoyed our time, we did watch a movie with my parents that night but i had to be up early Monday for work and was asleep by 8. Monday Preston got the new Iphone4 - im jealous, i want one! i will get one in about 5 months ... i cant wait. but it is a cool phone! Preston was still sporting the Iphone3G so it was time for an upgrade. Tuesday after work we had dinner with his grandparents at Texas Roadhouse, yummy. i love me some meat! Wednesday was Preston's last day home for another 4-6 weeks and my boss let me take that day off ( since i had to work the rest of the week while he was home) and we didn't do a whole lot but i got the rest of his laundry done and packed his bag and his food bag and we went to town to buy some things i had forgotten, its a lot of work each time he comes home to re-pack him! but i try to make sure he has everything he needs. then we had dinner at his parents house with his sister and got home about 830 and crashed pretty soon after that. Thursday morning i had to leave early for work so we just had a quick good bye. its weeks like this that i think its just not worth all the time gone! and they always say people doing this make *good* money, well obviously they are not talking about the guys just starting out because he is still making peanuts! it's so frustrating! but its going to get better .... it has to.
this weekend is busy - PcK is coming down (Preston's Cousin Kaitlyn ) and staying with the grandparents and im going to spend lots of time there too. I am in need of some girl time and so glad she is coming down to hang out! this week i also paid another BIG chunk of a bill down. i will have these last 2 paid off by summer ... i will! I'm saving what i can and could be putting a little more back but right now my priority is to pay these things off and then i can start really saving. i have no intentions of leaving my parents any time soon and living in town somewhere by myself . . .  being scared of every little noise i hear, so after these bills are paid . . . let the big time saving begin! and then by the time this year is over maybe ::crosses fingers:: my husband will be able to get something more local and be home more and we can look into buying, building & renting again. Everything is just still so shaky right now and i just cant plan or count on anything. being a type A personality it just KILLS me to not be able to control everything and i'm pretty frustrated this week and i'm hoping that the rest of this month will be better. staying positive if hard for a pessimist like myself lol!