Friday, August 27, 2010

End of the week...

Well . . . its Friday and this week has been very emotionally draining and I'm ready for it to be done.

"life is a series of problems: either you're in one now, just coming out of one or about to go into one. The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort and he is more interested in making your life Holy than Happy. but there is ALWAYS something you can thank God for!"

I got an email this week and this was a quote in it and it really was just what I needed to see, my life had so many *problems* the last several weeks and im just stuck and dont know what to do. I've been praying about it and if there has been an answer I guess im not listening well enough to hear it ... and im just frustrated and tired of dealing with this problem, its about time to get ugly and get something done. . . does everything really happen for a reason? because im so not getting the reason for this unnecessary crap! just stress me out will ya?!?! .... ok calm down. just breathe.

lets get off that for a minute, the rest of my week was pretty ok as far as work goes, a little crazy a few days but nothing major. then a little scare with Preston's car, the battery was dying so he went to get a new one, no big deal nothing financially major thank you Jesus, but then he txt me and says they have put in 3 batteries and the car is not starting, ok then its time to panic well long story short, the guy who was putting in the first battery put it in BACKWARDS ( who does that???) and ripped a fuse so Preston had to go to the Honda place and buy the fuse and once that was fixed and the new battery the car is working! shoo! im a little worried about our vehicles . . .please dont die on us! mine has almost 100,000 miles but seems to be working just fine and poor Preston's is falling apart cosmetically, maybe some time next year we'll trade in his ( if anyone will take it lol) and get a new (used) car but man i just really want paid off cars! :) but a running reliable one is more important!

No big plans for the weekend, going to clean house tonight . . . deep clean - again - uhg. and do laundry and tomorrow ill probably go visit my great aunt and then watching my favorite little kids Saturday night. Sunday is church and relaxation. hope everyone has a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're having a stressful week:( But, don't stress about your car having over 100,000 miles on it. That's pocket change compared to mine (230,000) and it runs great! Even the radio and air conditioner work:)
