Saturday, September 18, 2010

Its always something ....

Tuesday while I was driving around on lunch break I noticed that my air-conditioned was not doing right it was cold then I would hear a weird noise from under the hood and then the air would get really warm and back and forth this went on so I called my uncle ( I am so lucky to have a dad and brothers and uncle who can truly fix and build anything!) and I told him what it was doing and so he said he'd be out at his shop tonight ( which is out where my parents live) and told me to bring it by after work, so I did. I was so praying it just needed some coolant or recharge - something simple.... but no. long story short what had happened was my cooling fan on my engine went out, which caused my air compressor to go out, uhg! But uncle Andy found a cooling fan for the engine ... couple hundred dollars later :( Its fixed. the good new is once he got the new fan on by some miracle ( lots of praying!) the air compressor has been working great (Tuesday night it was sparking and smoking really bad!) thank you Jesus! because that was so going to have to wait till spring to get fixed lol. every time I get a little something put aside something comes up, but that's what its there for I guess - life's unexpected moments, so I am thankful that I was able to get my car fixed and was only out of it for 1 day. So back to rebuilding my stash fund again and praying the cars stay working! but we do need 2 new tires for mine and 3 for Preston's really soon . . . must have been easy back in the day with a horse and wagon ... couldn't have broken/worn down as much lol. But I'm hoping Preston's will last till at least the 1st of the year when we can hopefully get him something newer ::fingers crossed:: his car is a year newer than mine but its been driven a little hard and is kinda sad cosmetically lol.

because I was out of my car till wed. night I had to miss bible study:( so I was not very happy about that and I'm looking forward to next week when I can go back again. The rest of my week after the car episode has been quite nice and I'm looking forward to this weekend, some time with some of my favorite kids and then my very first best friend is getting married Saturday yay! and then moving to Indianapolis boo! then saturday afternoon im hoping to go see an old friend and her new baby :) and Sunday I hope to have a restful day and praying that those cowboys can bring one home! A little stressed about the future these days ... sometimes I wish I still lived at home with mommy & daddy when life was so simple and not a care in the world :) But then I remember what it was like with 10 kids and sharing a room with and just 1 bathroom! and I'm thankful to live with just 1 person haha! hope everyone has a great weekend!


Monday, September 13, 2010

wrap it up

I was so proud of myself yesterday! We went to Preston's grandparents yesterday ( for grandparents day) and I made lunch to bring with us, now normally I dont really cook for anyone but Preston because im afraid something wont taste good and he'll eat anything so its ok:) but I cooked a seasoned Pork loin filet and brought salad, green beans w/ almonds & potato salad and it was all yummy:) so cooking confidence went up a little . . .but I still dont want to cook for a crowd lol.

I had a good weekend, Saturday I watched the little girls ( Jenna & Julia) for a few hours and then I went to my great aunts to visit her for grandma day and then I ran to the store to get groceries for Sunday and then home, I was supposed to clean the house and do laundry Saturday night .... but I got home and made the mistake of getting in bed for just a second and that was it, I was asleep by 7! Sunday was all about grandparents and we stayed there till 5ish then came home to finish the laundry I started that morning and cleaned the house and that was all done by 6 so I settled in to watch a few hours of Law & Order SVU then some Kardashians and the cowboys weren't doing so hot so I didn't stay up to finish that game ... and it looks like that was a good idea. poor cowgirls, we're never gonna make it to the bowl playing like that! but maybe the good 'ol Saints will again!

no big plan this week but I am going to try some more new recipes that I have been collecting and that excites me! :D Last night I slept so good ... and you know why? because Preston stayed up all night playing xbox and ended up sleeping in the other room and I forget how badly I sleep with his snoring, it wakes me several times a night and I just kick him till he stops lol but this morning I felt so refreshed :) maybe I can talk him into sleeping in there a few nights a week so im not such a zombie? I totally see why my great aunt and uncle had separate bedrooms because of his snoring .... note to self: buy a house with lots of bedrooms!

I'm so excited that Fall is nearly here! I love the cool ( not freezing cold!) weather and the fall clothes and THANKSGIVING & CHRISTMAS!! woohoo! I am so starting on my Christmas list this week so I can start slowly collecting that stuff, Christmas can be stressful with my huge family so I say every year im going to start early but do I? no. but am I this year? YES. .... we'll see

Hope everyone has a great week! Happy Fall!!


Friday, September 10, 2010

stepping up

This has been a great week!

started off with a *no work Monday* which is just awesome! and the stress at work this week has been pretty much a 0 (knocks on wood) which is so nice, its been a little rough this year but I just try to do my best and stay out of trouble and take each day as it comes. I went to a women's bible study Wednesday night at my sisters church and really enjoyed it. they are doing Beth Moore's *Stepping Up* ( its a video study with work books) a journey through Psalms ( which is my favorite book in the Bible) and I have got to get around to LifeWay this weekend and pick up my study book so I cant start on the daily devotional stuff that goes with this lesson. Beth Moore is so funny and easy to follow. So I'm excited to see what I can come out of this with!

Wednesday baby Jenna turned 1 and I cant believe how fast the year has gone! so tonight after work I'm going to their house for her little bday party and I got her a new book and a cute little outfit! I went to Macy's after work and normally I dont shop there because they are so over priced but they actually have really good deals on baby clothes ... I really want a girl first when I have a baby .... but I see now that its probably not a good idea because I really could have bought up a hundred outfits last night because everything is just so darn cute! It would definitely become a problem lol!
Yesterday I won a pair of tickets to the Robert E. Lee vs. John Tyler football game, which if you are from around here you know that's the game to see with those rivals! so after the party my husband and I are going to my first football game of the season ( He went to the TJC game last weekend with his granddad) and then Saturday ill be spending time with my great aunt and hopefully resting being a couch/bed bum that night, Sunday is church and Grandparents day so we'll be with Preston's grandparents! busy weekend and I'm not going to fully enjoy it if this awful headache doesn't go away asap!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday thats actually Tuesday :)

Update: Cheeseburger Pasta was so good!


all weekend I had no problem getting up in the morning, even if it was early, but today when we had to go back to work when my alarm went off at 6 I hit the snooze button till 7, I just couldn't get up but I did only have 7 hours of sleep instead of my 10-12 so tonight its back to bed early lol.

I'm searching for another recipe to do this week since the two yesterday were a success! I have a recipe to do homemade soft pretzels .... but you have to have a mixer :( which I dont ... .so maybe someday I can give that a try because the soft pretzels in the mall are a total weakness and imagine if you could do them at home?!?! I think I have decided that im going to do *CheeseburgerPasta* tonight, yum! I just love! All this pasta is so not healthy .... I know, but this one has hamburger meat so its not just cheese and pasta :) sometime later I'll do a dish that is more meat! but for now im looking for the quick and easy. I love to cook even if I'm not the best :)

This week is short with only 4 working days and lots of stuff going on, Preston has school on Wednesday & Thursday night each week so those are my quiet nights :) and Friday night we're going to celebrate baby Jenna's first birthday at her house:) ( she turns one tomorrow!) I cannot believe she is 1 already! just love those kids! and Sunday is grandparents day so of course we'll be spending it with them:) so I cannot wait for this weekend and i hope everyone has a great week!


Monday, September 6, 2010


Today i was in a cooking mood and i haven't done it in a long time so it was fun:) relived a little 4-H memory and decided to make a fruit pizza which i have not done in about ... oh 13 years or so! lol just forgot about these things and they are so good and healthy-ish. my husband had never had one or even know what it was and i told him i was going to make one and his first thought was *disgusting, im not going to try a pizza with fruit on it* poor baby has been missing out on this good stuff! but once he saw that it was not like a pepperoni pizza with strawberries or something he tried and liked it :)

  • 1 Ready to bake piecrust, your favorite recipe, or our Foolproof Pie Shell
  • 1/2 cup soft spread fat-free or low-fat cream cheese
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • A selection of berries and sliced fruits (blueberries, strawberries, bananas, kiwis, seedless grapessliced in half, Mandarin orange sections, pineapple, etc...)
  • Shredded coconut (optional)
  1. Let the piecrust come to room temperature per the package instructions, then unfold it onto a large cookie sheet or pizza pan.

  2. Roll up edges of the crust, crimping them slightly so that they'll stay rolled up. Prick the crust lightly with a fork in about 20 places (allowing air to escape).

  3. Bake the crust in a preheated 450 degree oven for about 9 minutes or until it's lightly browned. Remove from the oven and let cool.

  4. As the crust bakes, whisk together the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract, adding just enough milk to make it spreadable. When the crust has cooled, spread on the cream-cheese mixture with a rubber spatula, bringing it to the edge of the pizza.

  5. Arrange the fruit on the pizza and don't stint on the creativity. Your kids can make a wild mosaic or a fruit face. If they like, sprinkle the pizza with shredded coconut. Slice with a sharp knife and serve, or refrigerate. Serves 8.

I also found a recipe for a 3 cheese pasta bake that was really good too:) anything with cheese is good to me and when its triple ... oh boy! it was very simple and easy to make and left over to bring for lunch tomorrow!


Happy Birthday Laura

today is a very special persons Birthday! and its the big *21* oh boy! Laura i have gathered a few :) pictures of us over the years to share. you are smart, beautiful (hate you), mexican (lol) and i am so lucky to have you as a friend! you're family to all of us! Love you so much bff. hope you have a great birthday!!! so take a look at the pictures and have a laugh! :)


just grape juice ppl! :)


Friday, September 3, 2010

finally its over!

What a CrAzY Friday at work! for real. I had an hour overtime that I had to get off so I came in at 9 and the day was nuts from then on but the good thing is that it went from 9 to 2 like ::snaps:: that! I took lunch from 2:15 - 3:15 so now here it is almost 3:45 and the day is almost done .... crazy people, crazy day = crazy Jennie who is so getting in my pajamas and in my bed when I get home ... ah lets start this 3 day weekend! I have consumed so much candy today ( but not as bad as last week which I went through 3 big boxes of hot tamales, lots of bubble gum balls, and gobstoppers and I cant even remember what all else) ... im going to say its from the stress of crazy people and not because I have a problem .. haha!

Tomorrow morning there is no sleeping in, I have to leave my house by 7:30 and go pick up my sister Emily because we're going to clean our great aunts house then we're doing something else that afternoon but I cant say what that is until after the fact because someone might read it on here and it will be ruined :) Sunday, hmm probably just a good 'ol lazy day with church and possibly family time and lots of Law & Order this weekend I hope! woohoo! and Monday I dont know what the plan is, I'm just such an old lady that I'm pretty content with staying home and in bed 90% of this weekend lol.


I didnt get to post this earlier, i'm home now and washing bed stuff, eating pumpkin & sunflower seeds and chilling out watching some Bones and then Criminal Minds! and hoping to fall asleep early :) have a great weekend!