Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I have not had my nose out of a book long enough to eat lately much less blog and I just started book number 9 in 3 weeks. I love books:) man I wish I had the yellow hardback Nancy Drew set!!! I would kill for it, well not literally, but you know what I mean:) one day . . . I'll get it!
anyway, the past week has been CrAzY, lots of changes going on - this biggest one is IM MOVING Thursday! woohoo! I am so excited to have my own space again and all of my things out of storage! I wasn't planning on moving until towards the end of the year because Preston wont be in town really till November ( he is home pretty much all the time Nov - March but right now he is gone for 4-6 weeks then home for a week or so) and I didn't want to be out on my own because im a big chicken:) but some things have happened recently and I'm not going to go into detail but Preston and I are moving out and my sister Bo is going to be my roomie again! Preston is gone a lot as you know so it will be just us girls mostly :) I love my sister and it will be fun to live with her again ( we were roomies at mama & daddy's for years) she can decorate the apt all cute and I'll fatten her up with my cooking lol. thankfully this place has a 24/7 gym! I see her dragging us there a lot in the future:) and a pool! so I'm just ready to get moved and settled and chill out! day and a half to go! the thing I HATE about moving .... having to stock a pantry again from scratch and buying all the cleaning supplies and stuff. hate hate hate it.   you know ill be taking pictures and get them up soon after we are moved! thank you, Jesus, for all my brothers and cousins and sisters who will have Bo & I moved quickly and I just supervise so nothing gets broken! :) haha.
Work has been nuts . . . its official now ( even though we have seen it coming for a couple of months) the Dr. i work for is leaving and going to the Dallas area, his last day is supposed to be Aug. 31st but he is out the last week in July (for yet another vacation, he has been off A LOT lately and now we now why . . .job hunting) and he has called in Monday & Tuesday this week!!! uhg. i am so sick of rescheduling Patients! so we think he may just not come back after his vacation* at the end of the month. which is fine, I'd rather him go then keep doing all this calling in and making us move people only to have to move them again and again when he takes days off.
We still have our PA and will get a new Dr. soon too. just not sure who yet. so work is a little stressful right now, gives me a headache almost daily. . . I just keep saying *im off Thursday & Friday, Thursday & Friday!* over and over.
so there is my last few weeks in a nutshell :) I'll post pictures on FB and here soon! the Apt. is so cute! and i'll live in walking distance to my aunt LuLu and she has muscadines or Scupadines? whatever in her backyard that will be ready soon . . . yummy :)

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