Sunday, October 3, 2010


short quick update for now -

I haven't been on in a while, now i did of course keep up with my other blogs i stalk
but life has been a little crazy and i just haven't felt like blogging. Lets see ...
um in the past week, long complicated story short - my husband was laid off,
and we moved back out to wood lane for a little while which isn't too bad, i miss the family
and Preston and the boys are having a blast, hog hunting, gun shooting, playing video
games etc. Preston would get lonely with just me and nothing to do so now i never
see him ... in fact he is off in the woods with Chris now shooting things
(Note to self: get more life insurance on that boy! haha)

Trying to stay positive is hard some days, today was a good day though.
I just have to remember it will be OKAY! :D



  1. Why did I just see this post!? Stupid Google reader.

    I'm so sorry Jennie! That super sucks!
    Where are you guys staying at on Wood Lane? It's has to be hard to backtrack a bit, but it's wonderful you have a place to go, right?

    If it gets to overwhelming, come stay with us for a weekend. Spare room is waiting for you!

  2. oh my sweet girl! I'm so sorry to hear that! I know things will change for the better for you guys soon! You're in my prayers!

