all of this would be more exciting if Preston was going to be home, but it looks like he wont get to come home till January sometime :( boo. He is having a really, really hard time emotionally and physically with this job and I just pray he can stick it out and not quit. At first we thought he was going to be home for the week after Christmas and now we dont know when so i hate not having a certain date to look forward to. I'm totally bummed at the thought that he probably wont be here, we haven't spent a Christmas or birthday apart in 5 years, so im trying to not let it spoil the season for me:) but it still stinks. I just have hope that maybe by some chance he'll get be here. I have shopped for everyone and wrapped for everyone all by myself, blah, I need my other half!
Thank you Lorri Anne for changing my blog background! loooove it :D it made me smile ....
Tonight i went to dinner with prestons grandparents and then we drove around looking at christmas lights, it was fun:) and tomorrow is wednesday and that means its time for this busy weekend! actually thursday and friday are packed too, babysitting, work christmas party, moms family is coming down saturday for christmas. i;m going to try and enjoy it all . . . i miss my husband and cant wait for him to come home!